Rating:  3

I picked this for my science read.  While I know it’s rather out of date at this point, it’s still a classic that has a lot of information on the history of cosmological theories, many of which are still relevant.

Hawking outlines various ideas about how the universe came into being, focusing on the big bang theory, and offers some theories on where it’s going.  He also discusses time, black holes, and gives information on some basics of physics and quantum mechanics so that you don’t feel completely lost.  I of course still managed to be lost for the most part, but hey…

How the universe works has always been one of those anxiety-inducing overwhelming head things for me, so I’m pretty proud of myself for getting through this book.  I actually enjoyed it a lot and want to find similar and more updated material.  Yes, that’s a passive request for book recommendations.

This post has been a part of my Read the Store Challenge for 2014.  

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